Ph.D. Educational Psychology

Educational psychology, sometimes known as the study of education, is a scientific area that is concerned with understanding how humans acquire knowledge and how they are influenced by their learning environments. Ph.D in Educational Psychology is 3 to 5 years degree programme depends in which Institute you are enrolled in. Graduates in this profession study research cognitive, behavioural and developmental variables as well as social and emotional factors that influence a learner's capacity in order to improve educational practices for children, adults, and people with special learning needs. Although educational psychology is closely related to the subject of psychology, programs in educational psychology are typically found in departments of education at universities and colleges. Psychology of education is closely linked to neuroscience, and contemporary theories have included topics from the realm of social sciences.

Core Courses

  • Psychology of Child &Adolescence
  • Behavior analysis and Psychological assessment
  • Current Issues in Special Educational Needs
  • Prevention science and education
  • Intervention in Schools
  • Professional Psychology in the schools
  • Social psychology of Education
  • Counselling and educational psychology in the professional context
  • Data Analysis in Psychology and Education
  • Risk & Resilience processes in human development

Eligibility Criteria

  • 18 years of education in relevant field.
  • Minimum 2.5 CGPA in previous degree.
  • Passing marks in entry test.


Researchers may specialize in one or more areas of interest, such as basic developmental processes, parenting, social networks, aggression development, emotional and academic self-regulation, play interests, creativity, gerontology, and others. Faculty, researchers, consultants, instructional software developers, test developers, educational programme administrators, and other roles in corporations, foundations, public schools, state and federal education departments, and the military are all possibilities for graduates. Educational psychologists specialize in dealing with educational challenges such as curriculum creation and modification, learning disabilities, teaching styles and classroom problems, child behavioral concerns, and improving effective learning skills in the classroom using psychological strategies. They concentrate on educating teachers and parents on the behavior and development of children and adolescents, as well as how to better understand and support them. They are also known as School Psychologists, College / University, or Campus Counselors, and are experts in play therapy and filial therapy, as well as counseling skills. They will work in Pakistani schools, colleges, and universities.

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