MS Mechatronics Engineering

MS Mechatronics Engineering is a popular postgraduate degree in Pakistan and around the world. When we talk about Mechatronics Engineering, we're referring to integrating the knowledge and applications of electrical, computational, and mechanical engineering technologies to create machines, technology systems, and products. Its mission is to provide society with sophisticated, efficient, and cost-effective products and services. This degree program is suitable for people who want to work in the growing field of advanced manufacturing. Mechanical Engineering is essential because it is all around us in our daily lives. It's a hands-on training program based on comprehending basic ideas and getting hands-on experience with mechatronic processes and methodologies. In this 4-year degree program, a Mechatronic Engineer can get sufficient expertise to pursue a career in the electrical industry.

Core Courses

  • Data Structures and Object-Oriented Programming
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Engineering Drawing
  • Physics Applied Physics
  • Engineering Dynamics
  • Engineering Statics
  • Electric Circuits
  • Numerical Methods
  • Complex Variables and Transforms
  • Engineering Economics

Eligibility Criteria

  • BS in Mechatronics Engineering with minimum 50% to 60%  marks.
  • Passing marks in the entry test.


The scope of MS Mechatronics Engineering in Pakistan is quite spectacular since Pakistan’s industrial and infrastructure expansion is on the rise and will continue to rise in the future. Mechatronics Engineering is concerned with the machines, devices, and appliances that people use in their daily lives for leisure and needs. As a result, the demand for Mechatronics Engineers is expected to increase over time. Because massive power plants and many other related projects are in the works in Pakistan, Mechatronics Engineers can expect a significant market space. For example, CPEC projects include numerous power projects and other associated projects where Mechatronics Engineers can work. Mechatronics Engineers can also start their own firms in the market. They can also look forward to appealing jobs in the following fields:

  • Robotics.
  • Nanotechnology.
  • Automation.
  • Aircraft Engineering.
  • Oceanography.
  • Oil and Gas.
  • Biomedical Systems.
  • Transport


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Universities Offering MS Mechatronics Engineering in Pakistan

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