The Cost of Climate Change: Pakistan’s Struggle for Survival

Climate change normally refers to changes in temperature, precipitation, wind patterns and other aspects of the earth’s system. Unfortunately, the sole cause of disturbing the balance of mother nature is human activities. These changes are largely driven by burning fossil fuels, deforestation, industrialization, and urbanization. Pakistan is one of the top countries facing climate change … Read more

Beyond Pregnancy: The Surprising Story of Baby Cells That Stay

After I became a mother, I noticed a boost in my immunity. Before that, I always had issues with tonsilitis and had to go through an antibiotics course. Curiosity was born and I wanted to find out what just happened to my body after the birth of a baby.     After conception, a mother starts … Read more

9 Movies Inspired by Female Scientists

The amazing and extraordinary lives of female scientists are rarely portrayed in movies and TV shows. If so, at least not in the form of biopics, dramas, or documentaries. Most commonly, females are depicted as superheroes in science fiction movies or as glamorized characters in TV shows. That’s why we listed nine movies to watch … Read more